In reel, Salman Khan might be a perfect bodyguard but in real Shahrukh has scored higher to Salman. He escorted his arch-rival Salman Khan’s ex-flame Katrina Kaif while landing at Mumbai airport. On reaching, media mobbed Shahrukh and Katrina. The actor put his arms around the actress and escorted Kat to her car. An eyewitness reveals, " While returning from London, Shah Rukh and Katrina were mobbed at the airport. The media turned up in large numbers to take sound bytes from both the stars. SRK quickly came forward and shielded her from the crowd, physically keeping people away from her. He kept his arms around the actress and escorted her till her car. He made sure that no one could come close to the actress." The eyewitness also adds, "Shah Rukh has a habit of escorting all his leading ladies to their cars at the airport but in this case, he also played Katrina's bodyguard." Shahrukh and Katrina arrived in India after month long shooting in London. They were shooting for Yash Raj’s romantic flick. This is SRK and Kat’s first film together. |
Labels: Shahrukh khan
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